Sprachwoche 6. Klassen

in Dublin

From Friday April 21st to Friday April 28th, the students of 6a and 6b got to know the beautiful city of Dublin, accompanied by Prof. Dehmer, Prof. Siegl and Prof. Hinterhölzl-Bachlmayr. The program did not just include lessons at a local language school but also a variety of other activities, like trying out Gaelic sports (Gaelic football, handball and Hurling), going on an immersive living history tour at Dalkey castle and the following three outings:


On Saturday, our first full day in Dublin, we visited Glendalough and Kilkenny. Early in the morning we got on the bus. It took us a bit more than an hour to arrive in the beautiful valley of Glendalough.  Soon it turned out that it really rains as much in Ireland as everyone says, but this did not dampen our joy. First, we explored the ancient clemency from the 6th century. The first building that catches your eye when visiting Glendalough is the huge round tower that was built in the 11th century. Apparently, it brings you luck when your fingers touch while hugging a high column on the graveyard. Therefore, nearly all of our teachers hugged the cold stone column. Afterwards we walked to the Upper Lake where we had a rest. In the afternoon we got into the bus again, to get back to Dublin. (by Emma Stark)

Howth cliff walk

On our second day, it was a Sunday, we made a trip to the seaside of Ireland. My classmates and I were a little bit upset at first because that day used to be our only free day. Instead, we were supposed to go hiking with our teachers! I mean – really? At least the weather was quiet fine. The sun was shining so much that I got sunburned. However, as soon as we were on the train, our mood became better with every kilometer we came closer to our destination: We were going to see the coast of the Irish Sea! After we had left the train (and don’t forget to check out), and made a short stop at the toilet, we started our trail on the “Howth Cliff Walk”. As the name suggests, the path hugs the cliffs near the charming fishing village Howth and yields some very spectacular views. We could see yellow broom bushes, stony hills, and finally the cliffs falling down to the Irish Sea. The view was stunning! Although we only had hiked 6 kilometers, some of us started complaining about being exhausted. But after a while, even our sore-footed comrades stopped nagging and started making jokes–because when you are travelling with the right people every moment is fun. Finally, we reached our destination: The Baily Lighthouse located on Howth Head. After a long break with much laughter, we headed back to the fishing village Howth, which has a port with many boats and even more restaurants along the road. Therefore, we enjoyed traditional fish and chips and watched seagulls and boats dancing on the sea. (by Minna Birngruber)

Pub sing-along

On our fourth day, we got the chance to participate in a pub sing-along. It is on many people’s bucket list to sing in an Irish pub one day, and we were lucky that we had this opportunity. Right after our arrival we took our seats in the Ha’penny Bridge Inn. Soon after, the singers invited us to sing-along on stage. It really was a once in a lifetime experience! We will have songs like “The Wild Rover” and the famous “Molly Malone” stuck in our heads forever! (by Niklas Schaffner and Maximilian Teufelberger)


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